The Mansion

This is a semester-long project course with five-person cross-discipline teams with 2 programers, 2 artist, and 1 sound that developed virtual and augmented reality experiences in two-week design sprints.

  • I am the programmer and producer on the team that prototyped "worlds" quickly using peer feedback to iterate for various platforms (Unity, Oculus Quest 2, HTC Vive, Ardui
  • This game is a two player competitive game using controller ans mouse key. One of the guests play it as an action game with the protagonist who is a little girl, while another guest plays as the antagonist who is a ghost leader and controls the ghosts, and he may use strategies during the play.

You are a girl who tries to retrieve your dead grandma's memory pieces (three objects) by venturing into the haunted mansion; and you are a monster residing in the mansion trying to kill the girl who intrudes on your territory...

"The Mansion" requires two players to compete with each other in different ways: the "girl" player defeats monsters in a 3D perspective; the "monster" player manipulates other monsters and traps them in a 2D top-down perspective. Our creative direction revolves around Chinese traditional folklore and architecture which we incorporated into our environment and monster designs.

Game Mechanism

This game consists of 2 perspectives (2 players): a third-person perspective, and a god view (viewing the entire map). Enemy system is included using the platform of a controller, keyboard, and mouse.

  • Player A: third person perspective 
  • Player A needs to be quick-minded and prone to action 
  • player B: god view    
  • Player B needs more brain, but also need to make decision in a timely manner.


In an ancient Chinese haunted mansion, the protagonist (player A) has been asked to find her grandma’s lost treasures. Player B, the spirit from the mansion owner, must prevent Player A to escape the mansion and find the treasures. The mission of both players is to escape from the vintage ghost and find the hidden treasure in the castle.

Level Desgin
Player A enters the entrence from the left hand side with a beginning tutorial. By collecting three treasures A, B, and C and exit through the top left, player A can reach a success escape. Player b will be in charge of controlling the monsters within the maze.



Bride Monster

Big Head Monster

Hand Monster

Code construction:
Action state:
  •   Enemy state
  •   Player state
  •   state modifiers
As a programmer on the team, I am specifically in charge of the game play in C# and Unity using Controller.

Action state
  • Enemy state (Enemy attack, death, hurt, idel, rotate around player, and set position)
  • Player state (Player attack1,2,3, death, dodge, hurt, and idle
  • state modifiers (Player state: hold input, stamina control. State: add force, animation control, hitbox control, hurtbox control, invicibillity, locomotion control, modifier, specific cancel)

  • CharacterLocomotion (character speed, force, rotation, ground gravity, weight, nav agent, and update position)
  • EnemyLocomotion (Enemy movement and rotation)
  • PlayerLocomotion (Player movement and rotation)
  • RootMotionToLocomotion

  • Enemystatus (If enemy health is below 0, enemy defeated)
  • Hitbox (Hit direction, invoke hit result and hurt box)
  • Hurtbox (Hit result after getting hit including knock back action, direction respond to hit)
  • Playerstatus (Calculate the status of player, including player’s heath, death, and stamina recovery)

  • MouseTrackPosition (Track player B’s mouse position)
  • MouseTrackUI (Track player B’s mouse position and reflect with UI)
  • SetNewPoint (While player B click on a position, the enemy will spawn)

  • GUIManager (this is in charge of the healthUI and the staminaUI)
  • MenuOption (in charge of the option selection in the beginning scene where player can start the scene, select difficulties, get instructions on how to play the game, see credit page)
  • MenuUIManager (this is an alighment script that is applied to aligh size of the UI)

Festival plan: